Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Life as I (now) know it

Hello again blogosphere! It's been a while, just about a year or so to be exact. A LOT has happened in my year long absence. Let's give a little run down...deep breath...

  Left a job, got a new job, dog died, lost job, sister got engaged, acquired another new job, travled to Paris France and Rome Italy on a long overdue amazing vacation, celebrated the last birthday of my twenties, saw the Sistine Chapel, Mona Lisa, the Eiffel Tower, and Normandy Beach with my own two eyes,came home to my same amazing job, rang in 2012 with amazing people in the most amazing way, celebrated my parent's 30th wedding anniversary, went to a few weddings, moved, saw a lot of movies, bought lots of new books, met lots of new cool people, ate a lot of food, had a lot of heart-to-hearts, started a boot camp, had my tonsils removed, recovered for a week and a half, and made my return to work...today. WHEW! Well, now that we're all up to speed we can talk life as it is now, in the moment!
  I know it sounds a little silly but the last year has really given me some great perspective. I have learned to really let go of the things I have no direct control over and to hold tight to my sense of self. I make no apologies for who I am and what is important to me. If you ask my opinion be prepared for MY truth, it may not be what you WANT to hear but, it's what I have to say. I have loyalties to NOBODY but myself. I have a close group of friends that I absolutely cherish. They are GOLD to me. I can't get enough of everything I'm learning and living!
  I cannot get enough of my job, my developing career, learning how to play the game of "office politics", food, fashion, fitness, men, dating, QT with friends and family, garbage TV, music, dancing, Skinny Girl Cocktails and all things Bethenny Frankel, "patio time", reading books, my new perspective, #hashtagging, blogging, traveling, having fun, and just learning how truly FABULOUS I really am!!! I have so much more to learn and live. This is the year of the big 3-0 and I'm ready to tackle it head on!!! BRING IT!!! Buckle up friends...here we go!

Til next time!


"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” ~ Dr. Seuss

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