Thursday, April 7, 2011

Feminism gone awry

Ok friends...confession. I watch all of the "Real Housewives of..." shows. Atlanta is my favorite and Orange County makes me want to gouge my eyes out. Whew, glad I got that off my chest, thanks.

Brace yourself, I'm about to go all Christmas Vacation on this thing...

I was watching the first episode of the newest New York season and the newest addition to the cast is, "housewife", Cindy. I'm going to go on record and just go ahead and say that women like Cindy are what's wrong with the world, (the world of relationships anyways)! She's your stereotypical feminist "power suit" over 40 that "has it all" and is "proof that you don't need a man". B#!*$ please! Are you kidding me?! This woman is the very reason that men are now eternal lost boys and chivalry has gone all Rip Van Winkle on us! Men are told day in and day out anymore that they aren't NEEDED. Calling all men: women can have everything they want and not ever have to be involved with a you ever again! So just go on about your life and don't worry about ever having to be chivalrous, mature, successful, masculine, self-sacrificing, or any of those pesky "traditional" male roles. Now, let's break things down for Miss Cindy...let's burst that delusional little bubble:
1. Cindy has 10 month old twins. Conceived via IVF. Last time I checked you didn't fertilize your own eggs. Just because you're not in a relationship with your "donor" doesn't mean that he wasn't absolutely neccessary for your babies. MAN=sperm=your babies. Duh.
2. Cindy owns a hair removal spa. Ok, I will also go on record as saying that if it weren't for MEN, women would not have nearly the amount of motivation that we do to shave, wax, thread, laser, etc. Can I get an Amen?! The co-owner of said business (who she claims wouldn't have succeeded without) is her brother, oops Cindy, another MAN! So Cindy is wildly successful financially, (partially because of her brother, a MAN), has children (sperm from a MAN), a fabulous home, (probably designed and built by MEN, just sayin'), and is just tickled about her perfect life delusionally void of MEN. I mean, I'm not a rocket scientist but I'm gonna guess that Cindy fills her life with all these "man-less" things because she's too embarrassed to admit that she's a miserable human being because she's lonely! In a nutshell she sucks at relationships but it's never her fault and she's just over-joyed to be such an "independent woman". Just be honest Cindy, it's either you don't WANT, (very different from need), a man or just own it that you're a miserable woman that has spent her entire life living selfishly and now it's too late for you to change your tune so you're just gonna rock this "I don't need a man to be happy" bullsh*t! Women like her are running men into never-never land in droves and I for one am NOT going to stand for it anymore! Quit ruining perfectly good men for the rest of us!!!

Ladies, if we keep treating men like boys they will continue to act like boys! As of now, men have no motivation whatsoever to grow up and be responsible and treat women how we are to be treated, and we women are to blame. Say what you will, enjoy your hormone injections, and go burn your bras all you "Cindys" of the world...I will be busy scooping up all the wonderful MEN you've turned away. Because I do need & want a man, husband, father to my children (someday), and someone to come home to everyday and build a life with. Don't get it twisted, I'm all for women advancing themselves and being successful but, just be mindful ladies that there is a flipside to this "independent" coin that we've been shoving down everyone's throats and it usually involves a lot of alone time. And it gets old pretty quick.

"Hallelujah! Holy sh*t! Where's the tylenol?!" ~ Clark W. Griswold

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Scott free!

For anyone that knows me they know of my disdain for my, (now former), boss. There is no coincidence that he shares a name with the world's worst blithering idiot of a manager from tv's "The Office". The past 6 months of my working life have been anything but pleasant but, I'm not going to waste anymore time or energy talking about the past or unimportant people. What I am going to talk about is how ecstatic I am about my new job I started yesterday! The pay is the same, I don't have benefits at the moment, and the commute is 30 minutes as opposed to 10. Am I crazy you ask?! No. No, I am not. You want to know what's crazy? Do you?! Continuing to work somewhere and for someone that makes you miserable, THAT is crazy. After attending a wedding and the birth of a new baby all in one weekend it became VERY apparent to me what was important to me, (thank you to the Matejkas & the newly married Deutermans for the epiphany), and the environment I was spending my life in was not conducive to those things. Upon returning to Dallas I quickly kicked my priorities into their respective places. First priority, get right with God! Done. Everything else has fallen into place since then. I love my new job. I love my new boss(es). I love my new freedom. And I love that for the first time in almost a decade I am working to live, not living to work! In the coming months I will be attending parties, a wedding, and will begin planning a vacation to Paris, France! Family, friends, and readers...I challenge you to (re)evaluate your life! Look at what's truly important to you! When you find something that isn't, GET RID OF IT! So, thank you Michael Scott for being the worst boss I've ever had. Thank you for treating me and the rest of your staff like ignorant garbage. It changed my life. It opened my eyes and most of all made me live by the notion that you reap what you sow. I see nothing but a bountiful harvest in my future. As for others...hope you like rotten crops. Let me know how that works out for you. ;)