Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Are you there vodka? It's me, Alicia...

Hello world and welcome to my blog! Whoa, never thought I'd ever type those words, "my blog". Ironically, that is precisely what this blog is dedicated to: the unexpected. My life is not at all what I envisioned it would be in my late 20's. As I approach the dreaded 3-0, I have come to realize that I am great at taking directions but, HORRIBLE at being REdirected. Once I have a trajectory I don't much like to stray too far from that plan. I have been this way for 28 years and I This is where things get interesting because it seems as if things never go according to MY plan. MY plan was to attend my higher education venue of choice, have this fantastic career in veterinary medicine, marry prince charming, buy a house, have a few kids, and just be fabulous in general all by the age of 25... Not so much. Instead, my path has taken me all over Texas to every higher education venue except the one I wanted, I have a fledgling career in food service, prince charming is MIA (still), I rent an apartment, have a yet to be occupied uterus, and I have definitely surpassed the 25 year mark. Although, not all hope is lost! I have managed to maintain being fabulous in general. That's what I'm running with here folks! I have met amazing people, been to amazing places, and developed an insatiable appetite for ridiculous shoes and sweet tea vodka. If that isn't fabulous then I don't know what is?! This blog is my documented journey through learning how to cope with the sometimes sudden and rather severe twists and turns my life can, and probably will, take. Thanks for coming along for the ride! Buckle up!


  1. Ahhh yes....I thought at 25 I would have the world by it's balls. The quarter life crisis was unexpected, but just like a scar it's part of me. I love that you have a blog and will be anxiously awaiting more!

  2. Thanks for the support ladies! I start my new job Friday, so there is going to be plenty of writing material very soon! Stay tuned!

  3. Yay for starting a blog, sis! Can't wait to read what stories you'll have for us!

  4. Honey, 30s are the BEST!! You'll see!
